Sunday 18 March 2012

Sustainable Packaging or Green Packaging

Packaging is a process of packing the products for storage, delivery, move, or use. The most common packaging method used these days is Sustainable or Green packaging. Sustainability affects every aspect of a package from its raw materials to its uses and end of its life. Though there is no such thing as a completely sustainable package, the process just includes making improvements in the traditional packaging methods to reduce the package’s environmental effect. Packaging materials may be glass, paper, card box, plastic, etc.

Tips for sustainable package design:

Packaging Ireland
Green Packaging
Try to use less material for packets as far as possible. Depending on the product, you can increase the package-to-product ratio.

Make reusable packages: Make packages that can be reused other than its main purpose. Such as the boxes which can be broken down to form plates or smaller box. Also design packages that can be recycled for making other products.

Keep changing your product: Keep producing new sizes and shapes in the product. Users like it using new styles every time and by doing this you can reduce the use of material in the making of the product.

Design such packages that encourage product consumption. Most of the times, consumers leave some part of the packaged food and it is completely wasted. So consider designing such packages that increase the likelihood that majority of the product is consumed.

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